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An innovative concept

Children's workshops - Student workshops - Adult workshops
Atelier Chapeaux

Birthdays, rallies, carnival and end-of-year parties

Festive and creative, children and teenagers develop their manual and creative skills, their team spirit, their self-confidence and the first gestures of elegance by staging with their hats during a fashion show. 

The  joy of having made a beautiful object by themselves...


General description of these workshops

Number: group of 6 to 20 people

Duration: between 3 and 5 hours depending on the group

Kits:  supplies included

Photos allowed

Parade proposed to music of their choice

Installation of the workshop: provide large, smooth tables (allow 65 cm in width per person)


Plan a meeting one month before at the place of reception in order to validate the setting up of the workshop and the choice of colours ...

Tailor-made estimates for the setting up of workshops at your home or in a school environment.


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